Grants Policy

A downloadable version of the Barts Guild Grants Policy is available by clicking here.

If you don’t think that your application fits our policy, there are a couple of options. Firstly, you can always email us to enquire. Secondly, Barts Hospital is fortunate enough to be served by other charities who might also be able to consider your application; for example, the Barts Charity and the Rahere Association.


GRANTS POLICY – Updated December 2024

1. Grant applications can be submitted by employees of Barts Health NHS Trust, patients and others entitled to benefit by virtue of the Objects as set out in 3.1.

2. Applications should be submitted using the official application form.

3. The item/service requested will need to be in compliance with the Constitution of Barts Guild, specifically ‘Article 3. Objects’ which states:

3.1. The charity’s Objects are to help The Royal Hospital of St Bartholomew (‘the Hospital’) by providing:

3.1.1. by personal service and by the provision from the charity’s funds of such amenities for the patients and staff as would not be available for them under the National Health Service; and
3.1.2. such other charitable assistance to the Hospital, its patients, former patients, staff, students and others involved with the affairs of the Hospital as the trustees may determine.

4. The grant application must confirm compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, including the Hospital’s Health & Safety standards. If relevant to the grant, approval should be sought from the Trust’s Estates department (for example, if installation of equipment is required).

5. The application will need to consider the durability and cost-effectiveness of the item/service requested, specifically where on-going maintenance or consumables are required.

6. Barts Guild will consider grants for educational activities of staff (courses, professional development, conferences) if they are deemed to be of benefit to the Hospital and its patients.

  • Staff will be required to explain how undertaking the educational activity will benefit the Hospital and its patients.
  • Support from the applicant’s line manager/supervisor will be necessary, confirming the above.
  • Travel and accommodation fees will be considered, up to a maximum of £150 per application.
  • Usually, only one educational activity will be considered per member of staff in any 12 month period.
  • A maximum of two members of staff will be supported to undertake any one educational, in-person, activity at a time. At the Guild’s discretion, up to two additional places for online attendance may be awarded where the online method of delivery is available in addition to in-person attendance. Where the event is only delivered online, up to four places may be awarded at the Guild’s discretion.
  • The Guild will consider applications for funding a module as part of a Master’s or other higher degree, on the basis of one module per applicant.

7. All applicants need to be aware that the charity may decide to make a contribution towards the purpose of their requested grant rather than cover the full cost. This includes grants for conferences, education and training.

8. Barts Guild will only consider prospective requests. It cannot reimburse for items already purchased. For successful applicants, it is usual practice for Barts Guild to refund payment on the submission of receipts. If an alternative payment arrangement is required, please contact us to discuss.

9. Successful applicants may be requested to write a case-report on the impact of the grant, for publication online and/or in Barts Guild News.

10. Barts Guild supports medical elective grants and financial hardship grants for medical students studying at Queen Mary University of London, Institute of Health Sciences Education, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. These have their own criteria and are administered by the medical school’s finance office. More information can be found at



  • Applications for Grants of less than £2,000 will be considered by the Grants’ sub-committee as soon as possible, ideally within two weeks. If required, the Grants’ sub-committee may escalate the decision to the Management Committee.
  • Applications for grants of more than £2,000 will be referred to the Guild’s trustees following a recommendation from the sub-committee. This may add a few extra days to the application processing procedure.


Once a decision has been taken, the Grants’ Coordinator will notify the applicant of the outcome. On occasion, further information may be requested from the applicant in order for a final decision to be made.