Please familiarise yourself with the Barts Guild Grants Policy before applying.
* indicates a mandatory field
Given Name*
Family Name*
Job Title*
Work Address*
Tel. (work)*
Tel. (mobile)
Email address*
Grant Title*
Please explain what this grant will be used for.*
What will be the impact of this grant for the Hospital and its patients?*
Amount Requested (please provide a breakdown of costs, if relevant):*
Will VAT be added to this amount?* YesNoNot Applicable
Is this the full cost of the item/service? Please also consider associated costs such as delivery and installation, where applicable.* YesNo
[group group-full-cost] If 'No', where will the rest of the funding come from? [/group]
Does this grant relate to an item or items that will require on-going maintenance and/or consumables?* YesNo
[group group-maintenance-consumables] If 'Yes', how will these on-going requirements be funded? [/group]
If applicable, has authorisation been given to submit this application by a senior, e.g. line manager/ward manager/supervisor?* This is necessary for education grants, as outlined in our Grants Policy YesNo
[group group-authorisation] If ‘Yes’, please provide the name, job title and contact details of this person. [/group]
Please provide the following: (a) website link to the product or service for which a grant is requested; (b) the date/s of the event, course or conference, if applicable, for which financial support is being sought; and (c) provide any additional information relevant to your application.
PERSONAL DATA The Guild is committed to protecting your privacy. Please tick the box to confirm that you consent for the Guild to process your personal data in accordance with our