BLSA Membership

If you are currently studying at Queen Mary University of London’s Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, you are entitled to free BLSA membership of the Guild. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please complete the form below.

Once you have applied for your membership you will be emailed within a couple of days with your discount voucher for 20% off of the cost of a ‘Barts H London’ hoodie or sweater.

* indicates a mandatory field


    Given Name *

    Family Name *


    Address #1 *

    Address #2

    Town/City *


    Postcode *

    Country *

    Tel. (home)

    Tel. (mobile)

    Email (personal) *


    Term Time Address #1

    Term Time Address #2

    Term Time Town/City

    Term Time County

    Term Time Postcode

    QMUL Email *

    Which course are you studying? *

    Which year do you expect to graduate? *

    Barts Guild is committed to protecting your privacy. Please tick the box to confirm that you consent for the Guild to process your personal data in accordance with our