A Very Special Garden Party For 900 Years of Barts

September 21st, 2023

To celebrate this very special year – the 900th Anniversary of the Foundation of St Bartholomew’s Hospital – the Barts Guild was delighted to be able to hold a garden party, attended by our patron HRH The Duke of Gloucester.

The event, on the thankfully sunny afternoon of Tuesday 12th September, was held in The Princess Alice Garden and attended by around 70 volunteers, members and friends of the Guild. Amongst them were representatives from the Trust, Barts Heritage and League of Barts Nurses, as well as recipients of Guild grants that have benefitted the hospital’s patients and staff over the years, and local MP Nickie Aiken.

Entertainment in the form of some melodious jazz was provided by saxophonist Tom Ridout and his jazz trio as the guests mingled.

The Princess Alice Garden itself has benefitted from the Guild’s work, having been cared for by the Guild and recently refurbished thanks to a grant. It provides a place of peace and tranquillity away from the hustle and bustle of the hospital and the City of London.

It was therefore a fitting venue in which to hear from His Royal Highness, and from Guild Treasurer Keith Bottomley, as they spoke about the Guild’s work in making life easier for the staff and patients of the hospital.

After speeches, our President Ann Wickham presented His Royal Highness with a gift from the Guild of a map, drawn in 1617, of the hospital, in which the Garden was marked with its former purpose – the church yard of Saint Bartholomew the Less.


His Royal Highness chats with volunteers

Guild volunteers enjoying the garden party

His Royal Highness is presented with his gift