General Data Protection Regulation

May 10th, 2018

You may be aware that on 25th May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be implemented. This is a European Union (EU) regulation that governs how organisations must handle an individual’s data. It will replace the Data Protection Act 1998. Although it is an EU regulation, it will essentially remain a component of UK law even following ‘Brexit’, as any country or organisation that has dealings with the EU or its citizens will need to ensure they comply with it.

In essence, the GDPR gives individuals more rights and control of the information organisations hold about them, as well as new requirements for organisations about how they gather, store and process an individual’s data. There are also increased fines in the case of failure to comply with the new legislation.

In light of this, the Guild has undertaken a data audit and has reviewed its data protection policies. We have adopted a new Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy (in relation to online activity) and these can be viewed on our website at If you would like to be sent a paper copy of these policies, please contact us. We have also adopted a new internal data protection policy and our staff, trustees and volunteers will be updated about this separately.

The Guild does not hold any sensitive data about individuals, with most of our data relating to names and contact details of our members and supporters. If you feel the data we hold about you may be out of date, or you wish for us to delete any or all of it, please contact us in the first instance.

If you have any questions about any of the above, do not hesitate to get in touch.

Thank-you for your ongoing support of Barts Guild.